Crazy work week and I found it really hard to get to Lancaster for class. Things would be so much easier if gasoline wasnt $3.50/gallon.
Finally hit my first big boy WOD since Tricia cleared me from Onramp. Left a 13h work shift and slept just under 3hrs at a friends house nearby. Up, dressed and dragged myself to the box. Was a bit foggy-headed going in and didnt realize the reps were 15 so I think I did 9. Probably because the busy night didnt allow me to eat and I was now MANY hours since my last real food intake.
The WOD was fun but a ballbuster and my first real attempt at snatches. Wound up with a sore lower back from poor form. Need to work on that. People in the class were great as always. Weekend goal is to work on a good balance of time, food, sleep and work.
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
~Edward Stanley