Saturday, January 28, 2012

First Real WOD, Quote

Crazy work week and I found it really hard to get to Lancaster for class. Things would be so much easier if gasoline wasnt $3.50/gallon.

Finally hit my first big boy WOD since Tricia cleared me from Onramp.  Left a 13h work shift and slept just under 3hrs at a friends house nearby.  Up, dressed and dragged myself to the box. Was a bit foggy-headed going in and didnt realize the reps were 15 so I think I did 9.  Probably because the busy night didnt allow me to eat and I was now MANY hours since my last real food intake.

The WOD was fun but a ballbuster and my first real attempt at snatches. Wound up with a sore lower back from poor form. Need to work on that. People in the class were great as always. Weekend goal is to work on a good balance of time, food, sleep and work.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
~Edward Stanley

Friday, January 20, 2012

L's Paleo Supper

Her homemade paleo meal for Friday January 20th 2012

Extending A Hand

While at work last night an EMS crew came in. The female half was wearing a burkha. I had never met her before so I introduced myself and extended my hand.

She waved me off and wouldn't shake.

Forgive me for offending your delicate sensitivities.

How the heck does she treat patients with those hands? Trauma assessments? Male genital injuries?

Give me a break.

Blue Ridge Cable 11 Story On Crossfit Lancaster

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday 1-15-12

Left work today on a frigid, crisp morning.  My drive-home breakfast was the last banana from my work stash.  I love throwing the peels out the window at highway speed and seeing how far they will sail.

While carrying all my junk to my car I felt a "pop" under my foot.

There was my banana. Squished. Uneatable.

The funny thing is that when Supervisor Joni later left she saw the smashed fruit and wondered if it was mine.

I gave up a 2-3 gallon Turkey Hill green tea addiction. Cold turkey.
All because of Crossfit.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How Can I EVER.....

.... complain about MY life. Or its difficulties. When this guy has an uphill battle each and every day that he gets out of bed.

And yet he is out there. In the box. Working out. Improving. Crossfitting.

Inspirational. For Sure.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I wonder if any of these people:

are here because they bought too much of this garbage:

I will do everything in my power to NEVER be one of these old guys who socialized at the med pickup line. Disgusts me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Crossfit Goals

  • Double Unders: 10 consecutive   [  ]
  • Toes to Bar: 10 good   [  ]
  • Pullups: 4 real in a row    [  ]
  • Single unders: 100 consecutive   [  ]
  • Muscle Up  [  ]
  • WOD: Fight Gone Bad   [  ]

Crossfit - Sucking Badly

The people at Corps Fitness are generally pretty friendly and affirming.  I really appreciated the folks who circled back to help me complete my WODs.

I very quickly realized I was outgunned as a newbie. I am not an owners manual reader unless it is something important. Crossfit is important.

The defining moment that made me decide I needed to get some instruction on Crossfit basics was the Saturday when several of my Crossfitting friends came to do the WOD.

It was the final competition day and the non-competitors were given a seperate WOD. I felt like I was utterly sucky as we did the whole WOD in the great outdoors.

When the pics went up I was seen in two of the three - bent over and sucking wind. That was a defining moment and I vowed to never again be seen in the majority of pics as bent over dying guy.

I also decided I needed to take a break and find a true basic training program somewhere. Crossfit Lancaster requires all of their new people to do a 9-12 session intro "Onramp" class.

The time was now to learn the basics first. Avoid those training scars.

Why Is That Light On?

I couldnt sleep last night. I laid in bed, wide awake, from about 2:45AM to 3:30AM.  Finally I decided to go downstairs. When I got to the kitchen I noticed the motion-activated light to our basement was on.

The light is pretty sensitive but only activates to adult-sized activity on the stairs. There is the possibility that the switch was ON and the light had been on all night. I waited and a few minutes later it went off. First thought? Not good.

I was reasonably certain that nobody had been in the downstairs as I would have heard them. I could not think of any reason for the motion light to be on unless someone set it off.

I quickly made my way upstairs and woke Jul. Telling her what was up I had her grab her iphone and come downstairs with me. The Glock was already armed with the red magazine home defense mix. A round was chambered and I proceeded downstairs to see what was up. After clearing the basement, bathroom, shower, new gym and then the garage I knew nobody was there.

For that I was thankful.