Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Burpee Challenge - Completed

Did over 300 burpees today to make up for all the incomplete days of the April 2013 Burpee Challenge (100/day). Thats 3000 for the month.

Tomorrow I announce the biggest fitness/CrossFit challenge I have ever undertaken.

Im starting to think I may have bitten off more than I can chew....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Train at what you suck at - except Double Unders

The Double Under
This should be a pretty simple task. You simple spin the rope TWICE for every time your body jumps off the ground. Some people achieve this by propeling themselves violently upward, some by piking their body like a convulsing fish and others by doing things the best way by using the finesse of simply torquing the rope fast enough to make it pass under their feet with hardly any additional height.
Sadly, I just dont get it. I can do singles. Sometimes I can string two together but inevitably I start donkey kicking and things fall apart.
I have been accused of trying to solve the problem by investing more and more money into better and better ropes. I now have some awesome ropes. The Rogue wire is great. The WODRope is custom made to my reach and height and I even selected the color scheme.  Still no stringing of DUs.
Someone asked me how often I worked on them. For months I was out all the time - without marked improvement.
My former CF best buddy once offered, "never ever do singles - ALWAYS attempt doubles".  Still no stringing.
A few months into my CrossFit career my trainer said "Dont worry, I once had a guy who took a whole year to get them. Well, its been over a year.
Even "the Fatman", who was the center of the Saving the Fatman series of articles in the CrossFit Journal, has them.
I have achieved mediocrity in most things CrossFit. I have achieved Satisfactory marks in some areas and better than than in a few. Still no DUs.
This task has become a thorn under my saddle. I am freaking myself out over it. Well, not really as I am not a guy  to get freaked out but it is royally pissing me off.
"Train At What You Suck At" is a crucial plan to CF success. I adhere to it. I do not generally cherry pick WODs.
But, my new SOP is to avoid WODs with DUs. Take that day and devote and hour of DU practice and do a box visit for each intentionally missed WOD.
Someday I will master them. And I will be good at them. Good enough to help other people.  I will.