1: Corps Fitness - Reading, PA.
1111: Where It All Began.
This is the closest box to my home and I eagerly approached the first day knowing my fitness level would improve with Crossfit. Little did I know the degree to which I would have my butt handed to me. The warmup was insane. So much running and lunging in the parking lot that right leg stopped being useful and I went from run to crashing full force to the macadam. I staggered back to my feet and drove on with the almost incomprehensible realization that I still had the entire WOD to do. After the WOD I parked behind a nearby shed and puked for 15 minutes before making it to the APlus for a sports drink. Got 4 or 5 WODs in before accepting that I needed some sort of basic training course before I could really begin to improve at CF.
2: Crossfit Lancaster - Lancaster, PA
OnRamp. Many months of quality training.
I came to CFL solely for their month-long OnRamp course. Grab the basics and return to the much closer Corps Fitness. I ended up liking it enough that I decided to just stay here. With the help of coworkers (covering the first 15m of my shifts so I could do the beginners classes and have time to shower before going to work)I moved on to big boy WODs and started my journey. People were friendly and I have nothing negative to say about CFL but I long ago knew something was missing. I just couldn't seem to get enough WODs in to make progress. I also found myself getting out of sync so I would miss one area of workouts and get several of the same in a row. Plus I found out there was a sort of secret facebook page that I never made it to. The day came when I decided I would try another box if one ever became available.
3: Crossfit West Chester - West Chester, PA
120207: First CF Roadtrip
Did 0900 WOD c Lanita. I am not wary of much but I definitely was amped to see what a roadtrip box visit would be like. 2 1/2 months into Crossfit and certainly not good at much (still getting a relatively few WODs each week). The trainer was cool and had a good chat with one of the athletes who was an ER doc. Other than that I found the folks here to be pretty standoff-ish. Even heard TWO girls uttering something to the effect of "I cant do this, I quit". Wtf? Good WOD though. Left fried and invigorated. Bought 1st CF tshirt - any shirt with Pukie on it is a good shirt!
4: Crossfit Saint Louis - St Louis, MO
120319: St Patrick's Day Weekend
Plans to get a non-rushed WOD fell through when a visit to the arch took HOURS longer than I expected. A very early get up left just enough time to hit a CF STL WOD before a quick shower and a rush to the airport. The air temp was already HOT (unusually warm March for them ) at the 5:30AM WOD. It was just my friend, me and one local with trainer Melissa Hurley (3x CF Games Competitor). This lady was patient and offered some really great cues and coaching. Worth every penny of the drop in fee and some of what she offered still is helping me. Bought the obligatory CFSTL shirt (a tech shirt) and would have missed our flight if we hadn't loudly asked is anyone in the TSA line minded if we butted ahead. Made the gate as the doors were closing and soon were back in PA.
5: Crossfit Pottstown - Pottstown, PA
120528: Memorial Day Murph
Rob Matthews surely is one of the most unique trainers anywhere. This big guy doesn't look like the typical younger, buffed specimen but do not let that fool you. He has something very unique going on here as the organization is a non-profit offereding Crossfit, Karate and Boxing to the community at very low rates. The sense of purpose surrounding this hero WOD was everywhere. We were the only two folks in military body armor. Completed Murph under my self-established goal and then camped on the street with family and new friends to watch the Memorial Day Parade. A very very good Crossfit Day. I fell in love with CF Pottstown and its gritty old-school box and driven people.

6: Crossfit Acadia - Ellsworth, Maine
120615: Trainer Ursula at 0515 WODs
A great vacation to Maine was made better by the discovery of this box. Ursula and Nick run a CrossFit gym on a hill which means that any run is probably starting downhill and ending with a sweaty push back home. They made us feel like family. These folks could not have been nicer and Ursula actually issued an expectation that I be there. I instantly felt welcomed and loved everything about this box. I really want to return to Acadia - both the park and box.
7: Mountain Strength Crossfit - Winchester, Massachusetts
120620: 0600
Left the WOD shaking. Love their logo
Another vacation WOD - quietly left the motel room to make the WOD. Good coaching that included several rounds of their winding loop. This trail seemed long but it did its job in kicking my butt. The oppressive humidity and tough workout beat me up as much as any WOD in recent memory.
8: Crossfit Phoenixville - Phoenixville, PA
120804: 31 Heroes WOD
A true brick factory location.
A really vibrant event that was both meaningful and tough. The box owner set the bar high right from the start - clearly announcing the scaling but making it clear that everyone was expected to give their all. Right on! Schuylkill Valley Sports sold CF-Reebok gear and almost everyone stayed after to eat a freshly roasted Paleo Pig and consume iced cold Yuengling Lager.
9: Crossfit Redzone - Newtown, Connecticut
120815: 0700 with friendly dog wandering about.
Brothers Kurt and Kris Kling operate this newly opened box. My favorite box dog so far (bulldog!). Learned some great tips here on handstands and split jerks. They were doing weigh ins for their Paleo Challenge and a several of their athletes were getting taped. Really nice athletes who asked several questions about Pennsylvania and me. The only negative here was that they were out of tshirts. What the heck?? :p The box is named because the owners are both redheads and for the drive to push yourself to a tach'd up state in the redzone
10: Crossfit Uncompromised - Lititz, Pennsylvania
120901: First Ever WOD on first day. My new home.
Exciting to be part of a box from its launch.
Boxes become sort of like a mini-family - sometimes you know its a dysfunctional family but you still like them. When I learned that Tricia was starting a box near the Lancaster Airport I almost immediately felt that I would do better there. The location is definitely more conducive for me to get more WODs per week and I was intrigued by being a part of building the traditions of a brand new community. I made the first ever WOD before headed off with the Army for a few weeks.
11: Friendship Crossfit - Dublin, Ohio
1209: First Ohio Box. "Womens Summit Day" Tried not to be intimidated by what seemed like 50 crazy strong females!
Most box visits go super well - let me tell you about this one. I ended up staying in a hotel just a few hundred feet from the box. Hit the early WOD and was blown away by the DOZENS of people there. I didnt know some of the warmup drills but no big deal. The partner WOD was fun but I was with a strong dude. I didnt want to fail him on time so my form got a bit sloppy. Pretty much I sucked at times. The good thing was the coach came over and basically told me that and gave me some pointers. I appreciated it because it would have been way easier to not do so. Treating a one-time visitor the same as a daily regular is a proof of a good box. I also received a nice followup email from Grant wishing me safe travels on my way to Kentucky. After I left I swung by the HQ of Rogue Fitness - pretty unassuming building for such a big name in fitness gear. No outlet store.

12: Blacklabel Crossfit - Mt Washington, Kentucky
1209: First Kentucky Box. Trainer Alice.
Blacklabel is the closest box to Ft Knox so I was super excited to find a Groupon - 10 visits for $25. I immediately bought it figuring that it will be a a bargain if I could even make 3 dropins. Turns out they don't really charge a drop in fee for the first few times and my 20hr a day Army schedule only allowed me one WOD anyway. I just considered it a donation. :p Alice led the best warmup I have encountered at a box and then a really fun WOD that involved running on their loop through the nearby lot. Then, as is often the case with Crossfit, a cashout added even more work. I posed in front of their sign under a setting sun. A really good visit and I will most certainly return whenever I am down there for military duty.
13: Crossfit Mayhem - Cookeville, Tennessee
1209: First TN Box. No sign, no tshirts, not even open to the public yet. By the way, did I mention that this is the home of the Fittest Man on Earth?
I took the long way home from Kentucky to Pennsylvania via Tennessee - just to stop by this box. This is Rich Froning's brand new gym and I was afforded the chance to train here. I didn't expect him to be there so I wasn't disappointed when he wasn't. The partner WOD included rowing and I was teamed up with a Tennessee Tech student named Steven. 2/3 through the rowing Rich came in. He was literally on the way to the airport and definitely would not be there when I got done with the WOD. Now I was faced with an ethical dilemma - do I continue the WOD unbroken and miss meeting my Crossfit role model or take a quick break from a WOD - something I have never even contemplated. Thankfully, Coach Darren said I could just dash over before I had to make that choice myself. Dug through my gymbag like a maniac for the brand new marker I brought. Had Rich sign a new copy of The Box and quickly went back to finishing the WOD.
Thanks coach Darren and my WOD battle buddy Steven and to Rich's dog Gilligan for not drooling on me too much
14: District Crossfit - Washington, DC
1210: First DC Box.
I remember when Harley shops were almost always in grungy old buildings. Then HD forced them to become the glitzy boutiques thet are today. I preferred the no frills version. Thats kind of how I feel about Crossfit boxes. I loved this grungy old former construction truck storage building. Prominent red stripes remind everyone that they are in DC. This was a tough WOD especially all the running through crowded DC streets on a Friday night. One of the best selections of swag I have seen: shirts, decals, even patches to Velcro to a ruck.
15: Patriot Crossfit - Arlington, VA
1210: First VA Box.
Unusual location in the rear of an active bank. I had attended a large party the night before where I met a Crossfitter from Philly. I told him I was going somewhere in the morning. I am pretty sure he thought I wouldn't remember but when I called at 7AM he agreed to go. Both of us were a bit taken aback when we saw the WOD was Fight Gone Bad. This was the first time I had done FGB and it felt like a freight train rumbling across me. WOD'd with new buddy UNCLE from Philly. Definitely didn't achieve a score that I was happy with but considering all the factors I will take it. Will do better next time.
16: Crossfit KOP - King of Prussia, PA
1210: CFU road trip to KOP for their anniversary party and competition to raise money to battle Friedreich's Ataxia.
A small gang of Uncompromised Crossfiters assembled at CFKOP for a worthy cause - raising money for an underfunded disease. Most of us did the WOD without a judge as there were many hardcore folks ready to win the event. It was a hard WOD, no doubt about it. Caroline and Brynn were the only two kids to complete an entire WOD and they had chosen the toughest of the three. We hammed it up in a photo booth - $1 per photo - all of which went to the fund raiser. Enjoyed meeting fellow Crossfitters from all over as we ate Paleo grub and drank cold Lagers. Jon G won a box of meat from Philly Cowshare.
17: Rock Solid Crossfit - Doylestown, PA
1211: Grand Opening of their new (temporary) box on Lancaster Avenue.
WODs,a TON of Paleo food, GNC rep, Double Under contest, raffles for Hurricane relief. Very nice people. Did WOD c Pigs who jacked up both her knees jumping down from wooden box. She was one of only 2 kids to do adult WOD. A box well-led by Mike Armento.
18: Crossfit Firebreather Fitness - Scott Depot, WV
1301: Not the easiest box to navigate to
In spite of staying nearby to a box in the city I drove the 20 minutes down the highway because of the great slogan. Trainer Willis went over some extensive use of a lacrosse ball on their carpeted warmup area. The WOD was a ballbuster: 100 airsquats, 90 situps, 80 air squats, 70 heavy kbs, 60 air squats, 50 pushups, 40 wall balls, 30 burpees,20 med ball cleans, 10 bar muscle ups (sub was 3 ring dips, 3 pullups for each muscle up). After eating little the night before and only some scrambled eggs that morning I was hurting. But I finished - 50:30. Only negative about this box is that they need a shopvac
19: Crossfit Regeneration - Jeffersontown, KY
1301: One of the best box visits yet
An unexpected evening of free time allowed me to head to Louisville to tour the Louisville Slugger Factory. A fantastic adventure that I recommend to anyone. After the tour I meandered over to a suburb named Jeffersontown. The box is in a small strip of storefronts and well identified. I walked in and met owner Charlie Sims. He enthusiastically told me that a drop in WOD was fine and before long we were in the box for the workout. I laughed outloud when he said the punishment for anyone who skins their shins on box jumps is to WOD with an "As Seen on TV" 'Shakeweight'. Nobody has damaged themselves probably almost exclusively to avoid having to use this silly device. After being away for a few weeks and getting less than optimal WOD frequency I still tied my deadlift PR and received a couple of tips from Charlie. Another trainer, Moira, WODd with us and I think she PRd (as did a few others). The WOD was fast and fun and I enjoyed the banter as we cooled down together. Everyone was super helpful. This box was started after Charlie began doing garage workouts with some people from church. He views Regeneration as both a physical and spiritual mission. This box has a great feel - nice people, unique traditions and a general welcoming energy. I definitely hope to return.
20: Maximus CrossFit - Lexington, KY
1301: Get'in me some schoolin'
After leaving the Louisville area I headed to Lexington. It seemed to take forever with several inches of slushy slipperiness on the highways. My two day course went really well. The highlight was a guy doing a headplant off the pullups only a few seconds after I finished Fran. I managed his care until Lexington Fire and EMS arrived. Thankfully he had no head bleed or major injury. I had to write a statement about what I saw and did. Bought $100 in shirts here as this was a benchmark in my cf career.
21: Crossfit Intense - Fairmont, WV
1301: Last box visit of this trip
My intent was to leave KY and drive straight through to an ealy AM arrival at home. I should have known that my past history of being able to drive all day long without problem, BUT, quickly getting sleepy after the sun sets, would stay true. After a few hours of highway I knew I was no longer safe to drive. I found a hotel 1/4m from this box. The next morning I hit the 7AM WOD. Very nice people who all introduced themselves with a firm handshake. The co-owner/coach was nice enough but I felt the coaching was a little lacking. One female was doing her first ever WOD. It included 'shoulder to overhead' movement. The trainer covered choices: press/push press/jerk/split jerk but never really stood by her to make sure that she was developing great habits from the get go. No bad, just not overly interactive. This box hosts several competitions and events each year. I would return to this beautiful part of a beautiful state for one.
22: Crossfit Perseverance - Carlisle, PA
1303: Saturday AM Team WOD
Our first CrossFit Mountain Man Weekend kicked officially kicked off with 4 of us meeting in Carlisle for a drop in at this 6 month old box. The WOD had two teams doing 450 burpees, 450 squats, 450 situps, 450 air squats and 450 cleans followed by a team 800m barbell carry. It was fun blasting through Carlisle in the AM, singing and laughing with our new friends. Nice people and an open invite from owner Ryan to return anytime.
23: Crossfit Ephrata - Ephrata, PA
1304: Officially a CrossFit gym for a few months with the Grand Opening this Saturday
Months ago I heard that Ephrata Fitness was pursuing CrossFit affiliation and my first thought was "I wonder how sincere they are about things". Then I heard that Tyler Trettin was the owner of the gym. I had briefly met him at another box and was impressed with his commitment to working out and fitness. After learning this, I figured that Ephrata CrossFit would evolve into a quality location. Implementing my new mental health/sanity maintainence SOP (see seperate blog entitled "Train at what you suck at - except Double Unders")I decided to do a box visit today. Arriving at the box I met Tyler and Chad an found out that the 6PM CF class was only M-W-F. They very kindly said I could go over the day's skill training and do the WOD. Thanks for the logical, useful snatch work and for letting me slog through WOD (legs were burning as it was slamming many of the same muscles pushed yesterday). I hope this box does well and continues to spread the KoolAid to the often obese local population.
24: Crossfit 717 - Lemoyne, PA
1304: "Alex for Autism" Competition & Fundraiser
Autism. Decades ago few knew anyone with the symptoms of this disorder. Now, most people know someone touched by it. I am thankful that it has spared those around me. So, when "Alex for Autism" was announced I immediately signed up. WOD: 10m AMRAP starting with 200m run (used as tie breaker time) then 2,4,6,8... minute format of pullups (varying with division from ring rows to C2B),KBS and box jumps (again, standard, burpee bj and burpee jump overs). Good DJ, Autism Society on site, displays, vendors, food. Did the 24kg kbs, small band pullups (elbow) and burpee bj. And... I WODd next to 4x CrossFit Games competitor Christy Phillips!! A sunny-skied day with the crew from my box. Of course bought 717 shirt. :p
25: Paul Bunyan CrossFit - Newtown Square, PA
1308: Skinnin' Some Cats
My first box visit in some time. Brand new affiliate just opened in June. Wasn't able to find out exactly why its called this but I love the logo - you definitely need to crush your WOD with Paul looking over your shoulder. I have been feeling a tad ill for the past few days (started after meatballs from Wawa and duck eggs for breakfast - both got pitched) so I knew the skill: SKIN THE CAT - was going to make me pukey. I am not one for spinny rides anyway. Surprisingly, I did really well and was able to execute the skill with little effort other than the side effect of feeling horrible. The WOD had a bunch of movements (5m ME Row,2min rest,5m ME ring rows, rest, 5m ME ring pushups) so I didnt do my very best but a salad for lunch calmed things down. Coach didn't introduce himself but he was good and a stickler for good form.
26: CrossFit Trinium -Landisville, PA.
1310: Sunshine streaming in the big front window
Lunchtime drop in with my friend from CF Pottstown. Bright box with the brilliant green logo brilliantly displayed on the back wall. The 1RM max C&J skill time became a very informative tutorial on skill building. Owner Chad laid out some very good pointers. The 8 minute AMRAP was more difficult than I expected and the last 20 seconds of a front rack barbell lunge scheme ended up pretty much being just a "grab the barbell and don't let it crash to the ground for the next 1/3 minute" exercise. A fun time.
27: Rebel Fitness - CrossFit RFA - Nanuet, NY
1311: West Point Family Weekend; A Fun Friday Night
Rushed like maniacs to get to Nanuet in time to WOD. Trainer Katie led three locals and our posse in a fun WOD whose pullups are still being felt. New sweatshirts arrived the following day but our schedule had us away. A great way to start the mini vacation.
28: CrossFit Woodshed - Littleton, MA
1404: "Old School Workouts, New School Fitness"
When a series of evening meetings was cancelled I consulted my pre planned list of local boxes and saw that CF Woodshed had a 7PM class time. I called and got Justin and was glad that it was Open Gym ( as I had just finished a big meal after a long day outside ). I arrived in time to do their standard floor warmup before hitting a 800m run, 300m row & deadlift WOD. Ran by a beaver dam just up the street. The music was off or low ("we try to stay quiet in the morning and evening because of the neighbors") and none of their athletes introduced themselves (a trait that is probably one of the things that I most judge a box by) but nobody was snobby either (spoke when spoken to). Sadly they were out of tshirts (after just doing a Grace fundraiser the Saturday before). I received a couple of good tips on polishing DL technique from the very laid back owner. We talked about Lancaster County and Amish Mafia so much that I forgot to get more photo.. A nice little box that I would definitely return to when in the area.
29: CrossFit Gamma - Hershey, PA
140726: "I'd Do Her" - Angie, Nancy & Isabel
This Barbells for Boobs event was in honor of Mike Jenkins. Some big prizes and raffles because of this. Went with Kyle. Was going to withdraw due to the heavy weights and sore shoulder but just scaled. Would not have won anyway. 85% of the guys in my division were 20 yrs younger than me. Hershey Park sites and noises in the background. Lunch after at Parkside Tavern
30: CrossFit Bolling - Bolling AFB, Washington, DC
140731: Functional Fitness at the base gym
This was my first WOD at an official military affiliate. I got up early on the first day of vacation. The WOD included a lot of running and rig work.
31: CrossFit Krypton - Virginia
140804: Coached by CrossFit Games champ Ben Smith
Few sports are as accessible as CrossFit. We got the chance to WOD with CF Games champ Ben and be coached on a workout that I had hoped I would never have to do. "Double Grace" was the last WOD of the 2014 Games and as hard as I thought it would be. Ben was an active coach and we posed for a pic with him before buying a bunch of tshirts. He was just as nice as we expected.
32: CrossFit Poconos - Tannersville, PA
1410: "Mountain Melee" Barley Creek Brewery
Competed on "Weekend at Burpees" team with Cody Strubel & Carlos Cruz
Three WODs on a beautiful sunny day with Fall leaved mountainsin background. Stayed in CFU athlete house a short walk away. There were 100 teams and CFU had 8. We sat around the campfire at night and talked and drank beer. I slept in the basement bunkroom. Woke up early to run. Then to a nearby store for a breakfast sandwich. The weather was dreary and cold for the Master's event. Cop killer Eric Frein, on the run for weeks, was captured soon after this at an abandoned hanger not too far away.
33: SPC CrossFit
- Kent, OH
1501: A
fantastic WOD with a CrossFit Role Model
I have
admired Danielle Sidell for some time. Not only is she fit and
beautiful but she has an intense drive to better herself through
rigorous training. Last year I had the chance to pass through
her city but she was away at a comp. This time, she was around
and schedule to coach the 5PM WOD. I arrived and signed the
obligatory paperwork. The friendly guy at the desk asked what took me
out of my way to their box and I answered "the coach". He
said Dani was already in the back working out. Dropping my
gear, I introduced myself and joined the group warmup. The coaches
for this were two guys. When the warmup was done and the skill was
about to begin I heard her holler my name. She said I should jump out
and we would WOD together. Holy crap. So, we dragged out C2's and
Airdyne's before getting kettlebells "heavier than what you
would normally use". So, we launched into a WOD of 20s on,
40s off: rowing, T2B, bike and kbs. It was on, a head to head
throwdown with one of my fitness heros. Afterwards we went to
the back room competitors area and did some barwork. Danielle couldnt
have been any nicer. She (wtf?) said I was the first person who ever
came by specifically to workout with her. That is insanely hard to
believe. She is also the cover model for this month's WODTALK
magazine. This was definitely one of the coolest things I have ever
done in Crossfit.
34: Iron
Sword CrossFit - Wilmington, OH
1501: A
carpeted box - you write on the floor with chalk
This is
definitely one of the most unique boxes ever. Kali is only 26 years
old but has created a really functional and unique facility. This old restaurant
has many rooms where different fitness events are held. The original
bar is still visible in the back room. They have showers and a
banquet room upstairs. The main WOD area has carpeted floors and you
just grab chalk and write your rounds on the carpet (seriously! I thought they were joking at first). When the day is
done its just vacuumed up. Pretty nifty. The people here were
friendly and I had the pleasure of WODing with Kali's father. I
hope she stays in business for a long time.
35: Meade Crossfit - Brandenburg, KY
1501: A nearly new boxThe street this box is on has changed names since my GPS was new so I drove around a bit looking for it. Then I used by box sense to look for a warehousey looking building and sure enough, there it was.
36: CrossFit Hard Knox - Ft Knox/Radcliff, KY
1502: Finally made it to this box just outside the gateI have been trying to get to this box forever. Seeing another trip coming to a close I took a quick afternoon hiatus from class to make a mid-day WOD. Nice people and interesting shirts. They have had a recent outbreak of flu-like issues so post WOD hygiene was really stressed.
37: Jeffersonville CrossFit - Jeffersonville, Indiana
1502: Just across the Ohio River from Louisville
This is directly across the river from Louisvile. A dirty and gritty place where training is realistic and no frills. They have a strong focus on Oly lifting and have a seperate Barbell Club. Great coaching to the new chaps that were there. Only gripe was the improper display of the US Flag on the ceiling (horizontal which is a NOGO and grimey)
38: Rising Six CrossFit - Plum Twp, Pennsylvania
1504: The owner is one of my fav people in the CF World
I hate looking weak or stupid when I WOD. I feel this is how I looked when I rolled right into Risig Six (literally) after a 4 hour drive across the state. I was stiff and not ready for the sweaty WOD that followed. The good thing is the coaching was solid and the box owner and baby were present. Thanks Heather and crew!
39: CrossFit Hartford - Hartford, Connecticut
1505: In town for the Regionals - grab a visit while I could
Knowing that my schedule was going to get nuts with the Regionals I rushed over to CF Hartford first thing. Had a fun time doing a 3 person outdoor WOD involving sleds.
40: CF East Regional Athlete Village - Hartford, CT
1505: I debated about counting this setup...
But the athlete village at Regionals was every bit as good as many boxes - Rogue gear, Assault bikes, Tru-Form runners. We had a hoot afterhours throwing down in the athlete village.
But the athlete village at Regionals was every bit as good as many boxes - Rogue gear, Assault bikes, Tru-Form runners. We had a hoot afterhours throwing down in the athlete village.
41: CrossFit Ionic - Bonita Springs,Florida
1507: A rainy day WOD with D1
WODing on vacation seems natural for us. D1 and I hit Ionic on a steamy night and were disappointed that they had a sub for the run in the rain. Nice people in a box with lots of windows in the front.
WODing on vacation seems natural for us. D1 and I hit Ionic on a steamy night and were disappointed that they had a sub for the run in the rain. Nice people in a box with lots of windows in the front.
42: CrossFit Salvation - Cape Coral, Florida
1507: Owned by Lauren Brooks
On vacation and not aware of the traffic I arrived too late for the scheduled WOD. Lauren or her pig were not there but the office was being manned by Tim and he let me workout. Way hot in the sun and he was very clear to point out that down there it IS ok to stop and drink water. I ran outside on every leg and the sweat poured from me. New tshirts were just about there so I paid him and he mailed to me later. A very military-friendly affiliate.
On vacation and not aware of the traffic I arrived too late for the scheduled WOD. Lauren or her pig were not there but the office was being manned by Tim and he let me workout. Way hot in the sun and he was very clear to point out that down there it IS ok to stop and drink water. I ran outside on every leg and the sweat poured from me. New tshirts were just about there so I paid him and he mailed to me later. A very military-friendly affiliate.
43: Trident CrossFit - Alexandria,Virginia
1510: Finally WOD at my friends' box
Sometimes seeing the tail end of the prior WOD isnt a good idea. Those people looked ready to die. This Saturday team WOD was tough but we did fine and it was nice seeing Andrea and Chriss. The funniest thing of all was watching him write sentences on the chalkboard for abusing his injured leg.
Sometimes seeing the tail end of the prior WOD isnt a good idea. Those people looked ready to die. This Saturday team WOD was tough but we did fine and it was nice seeing Andrea and Chriss. The funniest thing of all was watching him write sentences on the chalkboard for abusing his injured leg.
44: CrossFit Retaliation - Columbus, Indiana
1505: A fine brick wall!
I chose this box because it fit my schedule while on a military mission and because of the cool tshirt designs. Owner Jase Robinson was doing a striking class when i started getting warmed up. The official warmup was only a 3 minute jump rope so it felt inadequate but I completed the EMOM6 and WOD so I guess it was OK. A different tempo here but a neat box with the original brick wall being exposed after decades of being hidden.
I chose this box because it fit my schedule while on a military mission and because of the cool tshirt designs. Owner Jase Robinson was doing a striking class when i started getting warmed up. The official warmup was only a 3 minute jump rope so it felt inadequate but I completed the EMOM6 and WOD so I guess it was OK. A different tempo here but a neat box with the original brick wall being exposed after decades of being hidden.
45: CrossFit 813 - Columbis,Indiana
1505: Home of Nicole Holcomb - 2014 & 2015 Games Athlete
This box is MASSIVE - 50,000 square feet of warehouse space devided into all sorts of cool area - the largest tire I have ever seen in a gym, store, daycare, obstacle course, massage and soon an area for axe and tomahawk throwing. But to be honest what was the most impressive was the amazing looking woman lounging on a beach chair. She was blonde and tanned and ripped. Turns out it is the owner's wife, Games athlete Nicole Holcomb. Really easy going box. I definitely want to return.
This box is MASSIVE - 50,000 square feet of warehouse space devided into all sorts of cool area - the largest tire I have ever seen in a gym, store, daycare, obstacle course, massage and soon an area for axe and tomahawk throwing. But to be honest what was the most impressive was the amazing looking woman lounging on a beach chair. She was blonde and tanned and ripped. Turns out it is the owner's wife, Games athlete Nicole Holcomb. Really easy going box. I definitely want to return.
Total Boxes Visited: 45
States WOD'd In: 15