Thursday, December 29, 2011

CHARACTERS lists an informal definition of 'character' as: "an odd, eccentric or unusual person"

I think that our world grows more sterile with every passing year. One of the first times I thought this was soon after I touched down in Missoula, Montana. The first mall I saw was almost indistinguishable from all the malls in PA. The stores were identical. I vowed I would always try to shop at local stores and never eat at chain sit down restaurants if I could avoid them.

The homoginizing of America also affects people. Alaskans watch the same news as people in New England. Regional differences: news, accents, traditions - slowly erode.

Characters are people who live on the edge. They are not afraid to paint their houses in colors that are unlike their neighbors, they drive cars with too many decals or wear clothes that make people do double takes. I like characters.

During the Christmas shopping season I saw a character pull into the Ephrata Kmart. Why is that beast eating his antenna? Who knows.  It made me smile which is something not a single other car in the lot did.

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